Polygraph Testing .. the truth matters!

Polygraph Examiner | Forensic Psychophysiologist 

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything" - Mark Twain


Knoxville, TN

Applied Polygraph Testing is an elite licensed firm providing polygraph testing services for individuals, attorneys, local/state governments, psychologists, and businesses. Dr. Joseph R Stainback IV is a licensed polygraph examiner within the State of Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Virginia and Kentucky. 


Your partner / significant other is suspected of CHEATING?  Are you having trust issues in your relationship? A polygraph examination is the right choice for you.

Attorney – Client

A confidential polygraph examination may be the preferred choice to develop the best legal course of action for a client.


Are you seeking justice for being wrongfully accused? Dr. Stainback has experience in criminal, sexual, and other accusations to help you.


For law enforcement agencies requiring a polygraph examination as part of their background investigation

Sporting Events

Polygraph examinations serve to deter and to detect breakdowns in rule integrity violations and avoid systemic corruption.

Post-Conviction Release

Dr. Stainback performs specialized polygraph examinations to determine risk and to increase public safety for those convicted of certain crimes.

Can you beat or trick the polygraph examination process or results? 

Measures to defeat the polygraph examination process and results are almost impossible.  

Many people think the polygraph examination process is faulty because different techniques are advertised claiming that they can be used to pass an examination.  

Dr. Stainback sustains yearly training in the latest methods to detect abnormal physical and behavioral techniques including the use of the latest equipment and computerized algorithms.   


Dr. Stainback leverages his extensive experience in National Security coupled with his certification as a Forensic Psychophysiologist (polygraph examiner) to perform state-of-the-art computerized polygraph examinations. Dr. Stainback uses the latest polygraph examination techniques, technologies ( text-to-speech / voice synthesis (TTS/VS) , other software technologies) and scoring methodologies  (Empirical Scoring System Multinominal – ESS-M). In addition,  Dr. Stainback is a continuous learner attending annual and advanced training in the polygraph examination field of practice. Dr. Stainback serves on multiple American Polygraph Association (APA) Committees and is an Associate Editor of Polygraph & Forensic Credibility Assessment: A Journal of Science and Field Practice.    

Dr. Stainback was not in law enforcement and considers this an important advantage over other polygraph examiners such as not being contentious, threatening or abrasive; not using powerful psychological ploys; or not using forceful interrogations during a polygraph examination.  Dr. Stainback considers empathetic listening, objectivity, flexibility, transparency and calmness, without being biased or judgmental, principal elements of a polygraph examination,  in essence a better polygraph experience over other examiners. 

Scientific credibility assessment testing (often and commonly referred to as a polygraph examination, polygraph exam, or polygraph test; and incorrectly referred to as a lie detector test or lie detector) is a highly regarded and very accurate scientific test that is used extensively across the US Government, State and Law Enforcement agencies, and the private sector. The polygraph examination does not detect, or measure lies per se, but instead relies on the examiner's experience to interpret an examinee's test responses in order to make probabilistic conclusions if a person is being deceptive or not to specific issues of concern or trust issues. The same parallel can be made regarding x-rays.  An x-ray does not determine if a bone is broken but rather provides the information to a medical doctor to determine if a bone is broken by interpreting the x-ray image from their education and experience.


Mailing Address:

PO Box 70821

Knoxville, TN 37938

Physical Address:

7119 Afton Dr #102D

Knoxville, TN 37918

Monday - Friday 9a - 5p


Tennessee Polygraph Examiner

License #113

Virginia Polygraph Examiner 

License #16-01001089

Kentucky Polygraph Examiner
