Dr. Joseph R. Stainback IV

Experienced, Objective, Professional, Ethical, Discreet, and Reliable


Dr. Joseph R Stainback IV

Dr. Stainback leverages his extensive experience in National Security coupled with his certification as a Forensic Psychophysiologist (polygraph examiner) to perform state-of-the-art computerized polygraph examinations. Dr. Stainback uses the latest polygraph examination techniques, technologies ( text-to-speech / voice synthesis (TTS/VS) , other software technologies) and scoring methodologies  (Empirical Scoring System Multinominal – ESS-M). In addition,  Dr. Stainback is a continuous learner attending annual and advanced training in the polygraph examination field of practice. Dr. Stainback serves on American Polygraph Association (APA) Committees and is an Associate Editor of Polygraph & Forensic Credibility Assessment: A Journal of Science and Field Practice.   

Dr. Stainback has served as a subject matter expert in "voir dire" proceedings, providing expert testimony as a polygraph examiner within a legal criminal court matter.

Dr. Stainback has acquired over 30 years of direct national security operations experience including significant industrial security related programs and projects for the Department of Energy. Dr. Stainback served as a Research Professor at the University of Tennessee focused on domestic and international nuclear security matters. Dr. Stainback works closely with US National Laboratories and universities within his research capacity. Dr. Stainback holds a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering technology from Old Dominion University, an M.S. degree in engineering administration from George Washington University, and a Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering from the University of Tennessee.

Short Resume

Dr. Stainback has, through many professional avenues including maintaining interests of national security, devoted himself to the polygraph profession with a foundation of high personal and professional integrity.

Dr. Stainback maintains a standard of being objective (without bias or influence) from the results produced empirically from each polygraph examination performed.  

Building upon many years working in national security, Dr. Stainback adheres to the highest level of entrusting and maintaining client information including verbal, written, digital information in preparing, performing and post-polygraph examinations. 


American Polygraph Association prestigious David L. Motsinger Horizon Award .. “in recognition of a shining star in the polygraph profession or association who early in their career demonstrates loyalty, professionalism and dedication to the polygraph profession.” Mr. Motsinger was a dedicated polygraph examiner for the Indiana State police while serving the APA and other polygraph organizations. 

Qualifications, Certifications and Credentialing

APA and AAPP accredited Forensic Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (Polygraph) Certification

Full Member, American Polygraph Association

Member of the Tennessee Polygraph Association

APA Certification of Training in Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT)

Tennessee Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Training

Reid Investigative Interviewing and Advanced Interrogations

Commonwealth of Virginia Private Investigator Course (60 hours)

Department of Homeland Security - Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Line Officer

TN Department of Homeland Security - Terrorism Liaison Officer

Tennessee Mediation School, LLC (Training Only)

PSYC 2310, Abnormal Psychology Course, Walters State Community College, 2021

Introduction to Forensic Science, online non-credit course, Coursera – Nanyang Technological University – 18 hours – July 2023.

Certificate of Successful Completion of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) Nuclear 101 Course (November 2024)


Leveraging over nearly 40 years of corporate and academic experience, Dr. Stainback provides consultation to governments, academia and industry in nuclear operations, prevention of aberrant behaviors in the workplace and human factors engineering. Dr. Stainback has provided his expertise as a lecturer, guest speaker, advisor and consultant to US private corporations, State Governments, National Laboratories and international institutions (corporate and academic) across Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Europe. 

Dr. Stainback consults under his parent company. Applied Systems Analysis, Inc. (CAGE 80Y95; UID: EV9KQ2N2JER5; FEIN 27-0316322). ASAI is a qualified Tennessee certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE) as defined in T.C.A. 12-3-1102 et. seq.



Dr. Stainback is a research scientist performing various independent research in credibility assessments  and the prevention of aberrant behaviors in the workplace.  Notable research awards include DoD IARPA credibility assessment research award (2019) and specialty medical prescription crowdsourcing challenge (5th place - 2020). 

University of Tennessee Affiliation 

Private Investigations

Dr. Stainback is licensed private investigator in the State of Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Kentucky and Virginia.  The scope of Dr. Stainback's private investigations are limited to supporting polygraph examinations. 

TN PI Company License #2242, TN PI License #8391, VA PI Reg #RE-1048640
